Starting the year the way I like best
Every year I like to treat myself to one of my favourite past-times.. Its something I started doing many years ago, as a treat to… Read More »Starting the year the way I like best
I've been an artist all of my life, and my paintings now hang on walls in Europe, USA and Canada. I'm working on getting them on the other continents! My wide range of artwork has been exhibited nearer to home in the East Midlands, with the Guild of Erotic Artists at Beaumont Hall Studios in Hertfordshire, and at "Erotica", Olympia, London. I have also been featured alongside my work in the Guild of Erotic Artists book (volume 2). I love to create dramatic interest in my pictures, whether it’s to paint an unusual landscape, or just to utilise dramatic lighting in my figure drawings or strong colour in my animal portraits. Delighting in the spontaneous tendencies of watercolour adds an interesting and distinctive look to my paintings, some of which are purposefully ambiguous, enabling the viewer to use their own interpretation of my artwork. I also love to hide images, and humour within my paintings, whether it’s a secret message, or an erotic couple hidden within a landscape, or even an erotic landscape where the couple are camouflaged as the features of the land itself. I am equally happy painting in oils, acrylics or watercolours and love to draw with pencil or ink. I have also developed the very effective method of drawing using white pencil on black card which creates dramatic pictures by just picking out where the light catches the body and leaving the rest of the image to the imagination, in darkness. I can also utilise many different styles, whether it is realistic, abstract, surrealistic, erotic, fantasy or camouflage art where something is hidden within the painting. I'm just passionate about my art, whatever I paint! But, it doesn't matter how many landscapes or pet portraits I paint, its always the erotic stuff that people are interested in! I started blogging to share some of the strange conversations I have with the people I meet. But its evolved into far more than that now.
Every year I like to treat myself to one of my favourite past-times.. Its something I started doing many years ago, as a treat to… Read More »Starting the year the way I like best
Looking back on the year I can see that I’ve painted some excellent artwork, although I only had one commission to do for a client… Read More »As the year draws to a close
Sometimes at this time of year I’ve had commissions to create for clients, but not this year, its the way it goes sometimes that I’m… Read More »The Happiest of Christmas wishes
I wanted to do a quirky painting of two sisters, and their shared memory of something that was important just to them… and that made… Read More »Phew finished just in time
I saw a good friend at the weekend, who I had sent a card to for his birthday the week before.. his first words to… Read More »Such a heartwarming response
In August I visited a grand stately home and its gardens in Kent, Godinton House near Ashford, that I had never heard of until two… Read More »Capturing everything I love in a garden
Yesterday was one of those rare October sunny days when its too nice to be indoors and even though I am part way through a… Read More »Make the most of it when the sun shines
I always love September for the golden sunlight that makes everything look so much warmer in its mellow light. So the chance for a holiday… Read More »Back to France in Septembers golden light
Last week I wanted to visit a place I had only found out about a couple of days before hand…Godington House and Gardens, in Kent.… Read More »Always happy when I find inspiration so close to home
I had an email from a woman at the end of last week saying that she wanted to buy two prints from my website, and… Read More »The best sort of nice surprise
I’ve finished the latest Guernsey painting and can at last show it to you… I’ve loved doing this painting, it was based on a photo… Read More »Unveiling the second Guernsey painting
I mentioned to my window cleaner last year when he asked if I was busy and I said that I was an artist, and gave… Read More »Always good to hear positive feedback
(This is the blogpost I did on 5th March 2024) I finished a painting for a client who lives in Derbyshire a couple of weeks… Read More »And it was worth it
For the observant among you, you’ll notice that there are a few blog posts missing this year… which is due to the mysterious workings of… Read More »A bit of it missing
I never know when a new commission is coming in, sometimes I am asked about one and never hear about it ever again, sometimes people… Read More »Always very happy to start the new year with a commission