I was asked a few weeks ago if it was possible to do a commission for a male client. He wanted me to do a pencil drawing of his torso.. and he wanted to have an erection in the drawing. I explained to him that I was happy to do the drawing for him, but it would be from photos, as I knew that no man can hold that pose for the time required for me the draw him, and it was far easier for me to do the artwork from photos.
We arranged for the photos to be taken, so that the client, and I as the artist were happy with the quality and detail,
The client was also specific about the fact that he wanted the drawings to be life size on the paper, and he ideally wanted the picture to be A4 (8 x 11 inches).
I drew the outline and then the details of the shading, and details. It helped that the pose was a strong diagonal in the erection, as it was the obvious artistic pose for this subject matter!
When I finished it I emailed the image to the client and here is his response:
‘What can I say but WOWZA !! You have captured me perfectly. All the detail, and the style you have drawn it in is way much more better than I was expecting. Thank you so much.I remember you saying that this was a first for you as well and I hope you enjoyed drawing it as much as I enjoyed posing for it. ‘
He’s right, I have done lots of pencil drawings of naked men, and I have done my Tarse paintings (close ups of male genitals like my Queyntes paintings for the ‘Fantasy Fannies’ painting collection) but not a close up a male torso with erection in pencil, that was a first!
The drawing is in pencil on cartridge paper, the drawing measures 7 x 10 inches, (on A4 paper measuring 8 x 11 inches) and is called ‘Bucket list part 2’.
I love the drawing, and am delighted the client does too!