Although I have been busy with lots of art this year, looking back, these are the highlights ….
The year started well with me completing the “Going for gold” acrylic painting of three horses racing the wind. Although it didn’t get to the venue I had planned for it, it did go on elsewhere to been seen by the world and has had some really positive and wonderful responses.
In March I was commissioned to do a drawing of a Lancaster Bomber for a guy who was taking over a pub with connections to Sir Barnes Wallis. The drawing was required for the logo for the staff tee shirts and other promotional items. Although it was a simple drawing there was an awful lot of time taken up in drawing it out and finding the relevant source photos to enable me to do the artwork for it, I know a Lancaster Bomber on sight now!
May brought in another commission in the form of an oil painting for a guy who wanted to be depicted naked but wearing a red and gold befeathered Venetian carnival mask. I was particularly pleased with this painting since the guy in question wasn’t seated on the red leather settee in question that he was sitting on, neither was he wearing the mask that he sent a photo of. So I had to position man, settee and mask all together to make up the painting and make it look natural and realistic. Not an easy task but it worked really well in the painting and the client was delighted with it and my title of “Man of mystery”
May also brought a wedding in Kent and I offered to do a painting for the bride and groom as my gift to them to celebrate. They were delighted to accept and I painted a watercolour of them kissing under a white wrought iron gazebo with cherry blossom above and below them, which leant itself so beautifully to watercolours with their delicacy. The bride told me she felt blessed to have the painting which I was really touched by, I do love this painting!
The two landscapes that I am most pleased with this year are “The way through the woods” and “Home is where the heart is” both in acrylics on block canvas with lots of bright vivid colours.
I think my favourite painting though is of “Mike in Eureka swimming pool” which was so perfectly my subject matter – of a man in a swimming pool, the deep turquoise in the background fading down to pale turquoises in the foreground, the whole thing almost abstract in its depiction due to the bright sunlight backlighting his head and glinting off the surface of the pool making gorgeous patterns. Water, sunlight, and reflections being so difficult to paint together, but this one worked delightfully as a concept and painting. It makes me feel happy to look at it…
And then, on to the end of the year when I was asked to paint “Unicorn 2” – a repeat of the unicorn painting I did a few years ago, but almost twice the size which gave me the opportunity to repaint all the fabulous colours again bringing out the best of the unicorn and moon and their interaction together.
Another diverse year, as have been the previous years. Painting pictures that are scattered around the country from north to south.
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