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What a difference sunshine makes

After the last few days of greyness, what a difference (to me at least!) the sunshine makes when it comes out. It’s not overly hot, but bright sunshine is inspiring. And after starting a painting yesterday, I have finished it off today. Two days doesn’t sound much to do a painting in, I’m sure you’re thinking, and normally I would totally agree. But this painting has very little actual drawing in it, its mostly about colour, lots of bright, vibrant colours! Music pumped up loud, and off I went with palette knife and large brush, applying acrylic paint on canvas, and loving the results.


And just to make me doubly happy this week, I had a mention on the radio….. .

Stuart Haywood mentioned my name on Radio Derby when he was interviewed by them this week about his decision to be nude when he re-newed his marriage vows with his wife this summer.              This desire to be nude in public was started by the nude drawings I did of him! 🙂



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