I’ve just taken ten of my best current paintings, including this one “Poppy appeal”, to be hung in a prominent position at the biggest exhibition outside of London, saying hi to the two women who run it as I passed by them, paperwork in hand as they point out hanging places to new faces who don’t know where they are going. But I know exactly where I am going, right by the main doorway – being an Adshead helps immensely! I put my paintings out, and saw two other familiar female artists as I returned back to my car for the second bag of paintings, they both smiled and said “Hi Jackie!” as we pass by on our errands. Dame Catherine Harpur Arts Exhibition in the delightful village of Ticknall in South Derbyshire is held annually to raise funds for the local school, and always has a massively eclectic selection of art for all, to suit all pockets, and all tastes. I know I shall thoroughly enjoy seeing what others have hung when I have a look over the Bank Holiday weekend………… and am always delighted to be part of this wonderfully exciting, thriving, exhibition.
And as I got back in the car and drove home again through the countryside, I thought to myself “Is it really thirteen years that I’ve been doing this exhibition …. Mmmmmmmm I think it is!”
@jackieadshead congratulations Jackie. Its a very nice painting. 🙂
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