Since finishing the gorgeously purple hued “Queynte” of last week I was hoping to get on with the erotic drawing that is hopefully my next commission, but I’ve had to put that on hold for a couple of days as I wait for the client to send the deposit for it. No matter, there is always something else to do whilst I wait………….
So today has been sorting out which three paintings I will enter in another arts festival exhibition that is coming up soon. Its not an exhibition I’ve entered before so I can put in anything I think is suitable. Well, except for the erotic art, its one of those family fun day festivals where I wouldn’t consider putting in anything the remotely erotic since it wouldn’t be appreciated. So in a way this is a good one for me, as I have two other art exhibitions a month before this one I’m talking about now, both on at the same time, and both I would like to exhibit at so its a case of juggling artwork and the best place for it. And this is where its always “best guess” for exhibition work. Shall I put in the tigers? or flowers? or landscapes? Or something abstract? Or a seascape? (I was talking to someone at the weekend who asked me what sort of art I did, and I gave her the usual long list of all that I do and added at the end “And that’s why galleries don’t like me, I don’t fit into one type of thing, I do so many!” and she said “I would have thought that was a GOOD thing!” and I nodded and replied “Yes, I think so!”). But you never know that if you’d put another painting in another exhibition if it would have sold, or not. Did I just miss a sale because the picture was in a gold frame rather than an oak one? So…. for this particular exhibition there was one picture I definitely wanted in it, and since I am limited to only three pictures it was just a case of what I thought would be a good choice to go with it. An eclectic mix, but then most of my art is eclectic.
But one thing I do think has changed recently is that there seems to be a bit more money around than there has been for the last three years. Its just a feeling that I get from conversations with people in general. There seems to be more money in peoples pockets after the scary last couple of years of the recession. Money for people to spend on art, and decorating their homes. That is if the picture is the right one, in the right frame, for the right price.
Here’s my suggestions though……………… 🙂
@jackieadshead loving the new pictures x
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