Would I say my Ravenstone exhibition was a success? Yes, I would, Â certainly judging by the comments I received in the visitors book and verbally:
“Fabulous exhibition. It’s a privilege to be able to view the work of this talented artist”
“An exquisite selection”
“First class!”
“Excellent variety which is a pleasant surprise”
“Lovely display – what a talent. Let’s do this again!”
And I certainly would by the responses I got from it from the visitors who came along – both the friends from near and far who made the effort, and the people who live in the village of Ravenstone in Leicestershire who wandered in. The exhibition was a resounding success because of them, and their responses to it. I know I had done the best I possibly could to exhibit a selection of most of the art I do (except the more *naughty* of the erotic art which might have given old ladies palputations or overly excited young boys – not that they would have complained although their mothers might!). Having said that, of the three very pleasant and personable young teenage boys who did come in their thoughts were with the lions more than anything else, interestingly enough. But I certainly restrained the art to the acceptable side of erotic – a few tango dancers, and back view of semi clad ladies which wouldn’t upset anyone. But, as well as those, there were tigers (natch!), lions, horses, unicorns, mermaids (of course, I adore painting mermaids), mythical landscapes, seascapes, landscapes, local landmarks, flowers (yep, even flowers), and even a still life (a rarity in my world!). Pastels, watercolours, acrylics painted thin, and acrylics painted heavy with texture, pen drawings and line and wash, limited edition prints, and ordinary prints both framed and unframed, and cards starting at £1. There was something for everyone, from cheap to more expensive. I made sure I covered all tastes, and all mediums, and all subjects.
If I have any regrets, it was just a pity there weren’t more people through the door. That was a disappointment. But, as one woman pointed out, this Diamond Jubilee bank holiday weekend there was so much on, there was too much to do, and next weekend there wouldn’t be anything arranged! and I nodded in agreement, and was fully aware that a lot of people would be glued to the telly watching the Queen’s celebrations, or out with families at street parties, or at the pub, or out elsewhere.
But, those who came to my exhibition might not have been large quantities in number, but they were certainly high in quality.
 Particulary the one who said the words I had hoped for…….
“Do you teach?”
To which my reply was “Well, I don’t, but I am thinking of starting running a class”. We sat and chatted, and she said that she and her friends were looking for a teacher since the last one she went to spent too much time disappearing off to have a fag, kept talking about her family problems, and wasn’t doing any teaching, or was spending too much time with one person in the class, and not spreading her time with all of them. I nodded, and agreed that that was totally the wrong way of doing it. I may not have run a class before but I’ve been to enough to know how they SHOULD be run. And as I pointed out to the woman, I have enough knowledge and experience of painting every thing in so many different mediums that I can advise about any thing that anyone wants to tackle in art.
So this exhibition has totally fulfilled my expectations in that its opened some doors for me. Some new doors, some old ones……
Like, the conversation I had with an older woman whose face I recognised and went up to her and said her name and then said to her “I don’t know if you remember me, but you bought a painting from me some years ago”. She nodded and said “Yes, I remember” and I said “do you remember which picture it was?” and she smiled and said “Yes, of course!” and I smiled in delight at her and we chatted about it. It is called “Burning bright” and was the first tiger painting I did in a loose and vibrant style and I always love it when I catch up with people who’ve bought my artwork from me, to hear their responses and to tell them my thoughts about that particular work, and to hear about where they have hung it, and the reasons why.
It was great to see my various good friends and hear their thoughts on their favourite piece of my art and why. Â
So, some sales, and I even sold some flower paintings (and me an erotic artist! who rarely paints flowers), but still, a sale is a sale, and I always say I don’t mind what I paint, I just lurvvve painting!
 So, for those who couldn’t make it, I think you missed a treat. And for those who did make it, thankyou for coming and it was great to see you!
 And in case you’re wondering, yes there were visitors, these photos of the show, and me, were taken before the doors opened to the hordes!
So, although it was “only” a small village exhibition, I can proudly say that I have run my own solo three exhibition and although its an awful lot of hard work, I’d do it again.Â
Although, the next one is definitely of an erotic nature. And imminent!
Dear Jackie,
Rhona and I spent a rewarding 2 hours at your exhibition at Ravenstone on Sunday.There was
something to appeal to all tastes included thus making for a rounded artistic experience.If anything was
missing it was art appealing to my baser instincts! Where not the young boys beautifully behaved?
It is wonderful news that you are to take up a teaching role.You possess the talent and the
temperament to make the project a great success.
I, unfortunately,am devoid of artistic ability but,notwithstanding,I may enrol for your first class
in order for you to instruct me in the art of “naughty bits”
Stuart Haywood
Stuart – It was great to see to see you both there as well so I am delighted you found it a rewarding experience. And yes the young boys were beautifully behaved and I’m really pleased that they popped in.
As for the baser instincts art, I will happily do an exhibition of erotic art, as you well know I love it as much as you do!
Thankyou for your positive and uplifting response to my plans to start an art class, and for affirming that I have the talent and temperament for the job. You have spent enough time around me to know my temperament and to know that I have a lot of patience.
And by the way, the art of “naughty bits” is called *erotic art* of which I am well versed! And more than happy to teach you more about!
Seeing thses photos, I can appreciate the amount of work that went into this exhibition . . . selecting the paintings, framing them appropriately, deciding the order in which to present them and then putting up the exhibit boards and hanging them . . . and then taking everything down! It looks like you had about 50 paintings on display, some of which I recognize at a distance (the lips, for example). While it might have been nice to have more people attend, it probably was also good to have a relaxed opportunity for one-on-one conversations, like the one with the woman who’s interested in whether you teach.
Can’t wait to hear about your erotic exhibition!
Hardin – yes, it WAS hard work, and you’re quite right, there were about 50 paintings, plus limited edition prints, and ordinary prints as well. It was a real luxury to decide how to hang them all, and where they were placed. I could have put all the landscapes together, or all the watercolours, or mixed them all up totally if I wanted to. But, I decided very quickly that I wanted the pastels near to the window as they need more daylight to be appreciated than the others, and made sure that each painting enhanced the one next to it so that they followed on in a natural progression.
And it was indeed a relaxed opportunity to chat with those people who did attend, so that I could give them my time and make them feel welcome.
Details about the erotic exhibition to follow in the next blog post…. 🙂
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