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Competition – spot the naughtiness!

Right then, here it is – the erotic abstract I’ve been working on, unveiled at last.

It looks like an abstract. That’s because it IS an abstract. Tee hee….
But, it is an erotic abstract. So that means that there’s more to look at. Far more.
I have purposefully hidden the erotic aspect so that those who don’t know, will only look at it and see brightly coloured shapes. But there are still a lot of the original lines and shapes within the picture that are showing the true image. I think I’ve made a good job of hiding the image, but I’d like to put it to the test. So, I will have a little bet with you, a little wager, to see if I am right.

All you have to do is answer these 10 little questions here:

1. How many people are in the picture?
2. How many men are in the picture?
3. How many women are in the picture?
4. How many hands are in the picture?
5. How many breasts are in the picture?
6. How many fannies are in the picture?
7. How many cocks are in the picture?
8. How many bums are in the picture?
9. What is the red shape at the top left hand side?
10. What is the red shape directly in the middle of the picture?

The prize is one of my paintings. It’s this one here – and is entitled “Kiss” – It’s 15 x 11 inches on block canvas and it is valued at £320. Everyone I know who’s seen it loves this painting, as it’s fun and sexy, but you can hang it on your wall and its acceptably erotic so even your granny wouldn’t be upset by it! And it will go to the first person who can correctly answer the above questions, either by an email directly to me at or as a blog comment below. The competition deadline is midnight Sunday 6th February 2011. So, you’ve got a few days to study it…….

And just to get you started off, because I’m kind, one of the answers is given in a previous blog post earlier this year……..

1 thought on “Competition – spot the naughtiness!”

  1. Hi Jackie,

    Here are some answers to your intriguing competition.

    1. 2
    2. 1
    3. 1
    4. 3
    5. 1
    6. 0
    7. 1
    8. 2
    9. A candle
    10. A vase

    Hope I win!!!


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