I was early. I had made a point of being early.
Because I wasn’t sure what to expect, this was ALL new territory for me!
He indicated that I should sit opposite him, as he knew I was new to this and wasn’t quite sure what to expect, since nothing had been explained, it was all so very laid back and relaxed. Probably, a good thing for my debut show!
He played some music, the guy next to me was texting, someone else was reading a paper, the blonde girl on the other side of me was from the local visual arts place with loads of information of forthcoming events, the guy next to me made the odd comment throughout the show to G-Man. When the red light came on, it was live, and it was obvious to anyone listening that there were a lot of people in the room, but their voices were silent. Weird. G-Man had said that his show was unlike any other, and I could see why!
He passed around the sweets I’d taken, as he rang a musician in America and chatted to him about his music and his latest album and played a couple of tracks from it. Then it was the turn of the blonde girl next to me to tell of the forthcoming art events in Derby. G-Man played another track then whilst he played it, he said it was my turn next. Ok………….
We chatted, and he asked me about the exhibition I’d got on at the Burton library, the times, what sort of art I did, I’d taken some artwork with me to show him, and there were gasps of “That’s good!” from the collective group, as they looked at them and he made comments and asked a bit about me and my art. Then my four minutes was up, and as he played more music. I had to move to stand at the side of the room whilst someone else replaced me to talk. Eight mintues later and the show had finished.
But my art had created a buzz – the texting guy was intrigued with the bright colours of the “living flame” picture, and asked me if it was the chakras I had depicted within the picture, I explained about the life-force being shown, and he really related to it. And the smiling girl who’d greeted me in the first place came over to say hello and say how much she’d liked my art, she was G-Man’s daughter I realised as I started to sort out who was who in that room.
I went over to say thanks to G-Man and we hugged as I kissed him on the cheek and he said “You know where I am now, and you’ve got my number if you want to come again!” I thanked him, he said he was going to look at my exhibition tomorrow, and we exchanged business cards as I picked up my stuff and headed out onto the street. And it was only a few seconds later that I wondered who ALL those people in that studio WERE – since only six of us had spoken!!!!
That's exciting, Jackie! Getting radio publicity and good feedback all at once!
Nitebyrd – Yes it is, very exciting!
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