Sometimes it’s difficult to make arrangements to have a drawing session with a model, it’s like any other business arrangement, where you have to find compatible days and times to suit both parties. But once done, its easy to keep to that arrangement. But also it has to be borne in mind that sometimes the model might be expecting business calls of their own, and might want to keep their mobile switched on during the time they are with me. It’s not a problem……… we can work around it.
Since the last three drawings I’ve done of him are telling part of a story, I wanted to carry on that aspect of the series. The first drawing “Opening gambit” shows a man offering himself with no complications, relaxed and at ease. The second drawing “Feel the need” shows him lying on a settee, still relaxed but with his hand lying on his upper thigh, the need within him rising. Which leads to the third drawing “Caught in the act” as he is half turned away from the viewer, as he starts to masturbate, the need within him quite obvious. The amount of interaction with the viewer for them to decide. So……………how to depict the fourth drawing? I discussed my thoughts with my model. The most OBVIOUS pose would be to show him at the point of orgasm, with nothing left to the imagination, but I thought that that in a way would coarsen the series. I didn’t need to draw the most obvious pose, I could do it in a far more subtle way – at the point when he has already achieved his orgasm, whether or not he was on his own (and that is for the viewer to decide how much they have interacted with him…………). And to show him lying face down on a rumpled bed, the hint of a dint in the pillow next to him of maybe where another has just lain…………. that would complete the series in a far better way. Of course, the picture on its own just looks like a man sleeping, and that in itself is a nice enough image.
So, the pose was easy, the model was happy, as he could just lie down and try not to fall asleep (the snoring might have put me off!! Ha ha!). It took me a few minutes to sort out the lighting so that I was happy with the effect, then we’re off – a simple pose, but saying a lot when viewed with the other drawings. We settled down to the drawing, chatting, and sharing the same humour helps, listening to music, and the odd tutting from me as I try to get the lines to look right on the page. I’m never aware I make noises until someone in the room comments on my sighing, tutting, or gently cursing!
Back to the pose after the call had ended, and I’m pleased with the way its gone. The light catches the body well, at shoulder and hip. His face is hidden, the front of his body is hidden, but he is in repose, and the image tells the story I wanted it to, with subtlety. I’ve called it “Satiated” as I think that sums it up well and shows he has done more than *just* sleep. I love the way the dark areas around the body tell enough of the story, the lost and found edges that make the picture look more appealing. And I think it’s a fitting end to the series of drawings…………
Oh Jackie!
It's the perfect way to end the 'story'!
Such beautiful lines!
Sexy, vulnerable …. 'satiated'.
Blazng Scarlet – Aw, I'm really pleased that you think so! Thankyou!!!
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