I’ve just been asked by my sister “Do you know ANYBODY normal? “. I laughed, and agreed that most people in my life are not. By that I don’t mean that they are abnormal. Just more ……………. interesting………. than most……………………………… perhaps.
But perhaps thats because in a way I go looking for it. I like the company of bi-sexual women and gay men. Of people who are interested in spiritual things, of clever witty humour and sexual openness. And in a way that determines my decision to be an Erotic Artist. And by the word “erotic” I actually mean “sensual” – of the senses. But of course there is more depth to it than that. There is the mind. A wonderful place full of fabulous things. Its where we start ideas, formulate concepts, and build on those ideas to form our lives in the way we choose.
And the mind has many depths too. Some things go a lot deeper than others. Some things are such a part of us that we cannot imagine ever not having them in our lives. Like my art. I was born an artist, and I have spent my life building up that talent and skill.
And sometimes it brings people to me who want me to portray something for them that is as vastly important to them, as my art is to me. And it fires me up to hear it when I am asked to do it. Because, I KNOW I can paint landscapes, I KNOW I can paint pet portraits, and any usual subject matter for a painting. And will always happily do it for anyone who wants it. But, sometimes I am asked to paint more interesting things.
And recently, such a request came my way.
By a witch.
A male witch.
He asked me “Can you paint from the heart?” and I nodded…………. “Yes, I can”.
He told me his fabulous idea for a spiritual painting, and explained his reasons for wanting a woman artist to paint it – to put the “feminine” in the artwork. I have painted something similar already, and it is featured on my website. But it hasn’t got the same mystical qualities that he will want in this new painting. I can see what he wants. And will really love painting it for him. And even though you may not be spiritual I think you will like it ………………too……….
You create from the heart.
It shows in your work.
Will you be sharing this new piece with us?
I am intrigued ….
Blazng Scarlet- Thankyou! I'm glad it shows! 🙂
I hope so. But I won't be starting it until the new year…… Its got me intrigued too, and thinking deeply about it…….
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