Well………..the de–clogging’s worked so far! 🙂
I had a really nice arty day today attending a local workshop on the subject of dancers and movement in watercolour. A lot of my favourite subjects covered in that one then – people, dancers, watercolour, movement, and it also incorporated “lost and found edges” which is a definite passion of mine. Strange woman, you think to yourself. Why is she passionate about that? Well, I just love the way that the paint hides and finds the edges of the subject matter – particularly with people, and that in turn makes them look like they are IN the picture, not superimposed on top of it, which always looks stilted and awkward to me when I see it in other peoples paintings.
The tutor certainly knew his stuff and was talented, informative, well organised, and got us all working hard on two paintings over the course of the day. You could tell how involved we all were by the complete silence in the room (of about 20 people – mostly women, so incredible really!!! LOL ). .jpg)
Here are my two paintings, I’m delighted with each of them. They both convey the subject matter beautifully and I really enjoyed doing them. And I really liked it when the tutor who worked his way around the room coming to each pupil in turn to look at how they were progressing got to me and said “You know how to paint!” “Yep!” I smiled back at him…. I do!
And for once, it was me who was surprised when I had a more general chat with the tutor. I’d not met him before, and knew nothing of him. He and I had a good chat over the lunch-break, and I mentioned that I’m an erotic artist and likened dancers to erotic art because of the interaction of the dancers and their movements. He agreed about the sensuality of that. I hadn’t shocked him that much (makes a change!). He paused and conversationally said “There’s a guild you can join, of erotic artists”. “I know” I said “I’m in it!”. “Oh!” he replied “I used to be!” and we compared notes on our experiences of it, the use of networking through it, and a joint connection of one guy in it. Small world? Mmm…… probably not. He did say that he might re-join again, and I said that if he goes to an Event Day I’ll see him there probably…….. that’ll be nice, I’d like that!
Well you've certainly found your sparkle again Jackie. Where did you find it because I've lost mine, I've looked high n low and am at a loss! I love these paintings.. so vibrant & full of life. You certainly know your subjects when it comes to 'dancers' but you seem to do pretty well in all your subjects.It's always good to produce a great result, full of satisfaction eh?
Absolutely gorgeous paintings, Jackie! I always enjoy seeing new artwork by you, erotic or not 🙂
xx Dee
Indigo – Thankyou, yes I have found my sparkle again! And I'm delighted you think these paintings are vibrant and full of life. So, yes, it it is great to produce a great result, and I AM full of satisfaction!!! YAY!!
Curvaceous Dee – Aw, thankyou!
We all know that YOU know how to paint! x
Joanna – Thankyou! 🙂
jackie: hi bella. Oh my I love this artwork of yours. it brings a smile to my face and…I want to dance too.
thanks for sharing it sweeets.
Spiky – Aw, that's really good to hear, that it makes you want to dance too! That's a really lovely accolade as you're a dancer so I've obviously captured something in my paintings that you can relate to….
Jackie, those paintings are just fantastic. You have an incredible talent for watercolor.
Nitebyrd – Aw, thankyou…
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