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Friends and posing

I’ve been more aware this week than any other of the good friends I’ve made through being an Erotic Artist. In a strange way, they’re all connected this week. Is the Universe pulling them all together for me for some reason? Well…. maybe MY universe is. I think that maybe the case anyway. Its making me look at each friend in turn and see the value I place in each one for their importance in my life. Huge value, each and every one, in their support of what I do, and how I do it. Its a validation that I’m on the right path to have such good friends helping me. And somehow I think its partly because I do the erotic art that I have these friends. If I painted flowers they wouldn’t have made the connection with me. I know that for sure! 🙂

And, after a couple of days searching, I think I’ve found the image I’ve been looking for. I’ve been wanting to do an erotic couple in the “living flame” style of painting, and have been searching around for suitable poses. I didn’t expect it to be difficult, but it turned out to be. Because I knew I wanted the couple to be upright for the painting, and that in itself can make the painting too symmetrical and boring. But, I think I’ve got it now….. a pose with some interest in it, sensual, erotic, and sexy….. yep, that’ll do it everytime!!! LOL

8 thoughts on “Friends and posing”

  1. Yes you have your universe pulling your way, I can feel it in my bones Lol.. It's very important to have these special friends in the world of art, or in any world come to that. I assume you have a very important friendship with your hard working model? I've seen some of the poses you put her though… damn hard work. So will your model be taking part in the 'Living Flame' painting? I have to say I look forward to seeing the finished piece..very exciting!!

  2. Jackie Adshead

    Indigo – Yes it is important to have special friends. And yes I do have a very important friendship with my usual model and muse. I'm not sure if she will be posing for the "living flame" painting yet,but probably not this time. But yes, the finished piece should be good if it all goes to plan! LOL

  3. I'll be waiting, not too patiently, to see what you'll create with the dual living flame.

    Your friends must be truly friends to inspire such gorgeous art.

  4. Jackie Adshead

    Nitebyrd – Ok, I'll paint it as fast as I can! LOL

    Thankyou, and yes, I think they are!!!

  5. You make a good point that given the work you do, I think you have to be able to make a connection at least to some degree with your models, as if not, you will never get the best out of them and that will only harm your work.

    And when it comes to dealing with someone coming to you for a commission, then a connection is even more important as without any modelling experience they would find it even harder to be comfortable to sit for you much less feel able to undress.

    I was certainly so grateful for the fact that you were able to put me at my ease, to the point that by the end of the day sitting for you seemed the most natural thing in the world to do.

  6. Jackie Adshead

    Fitzy – its very important to me to get the best out of my models via a good connection. And that in turn helps me to make it easier for someone who comes to sit for a commission to feel relaxed and comfortable too, as you found out.

  7. I certainly did find that and you made it so much easier than I thought it would be.

    So much so that I hope to do it again!

  8. Jackie Adshead

    Fitzy – That's good to hear, on both counts! 🙂

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