Here she is – the next one in the Fantasy Fanny group – introducing Queynte Number 16.
It’s surprised me how colourful she is (and I painted it!!!!) – a veritable rainbow of colour in this one. But those were the colours I saw when I looked at the photo I was working from, and that’s what I’ve painted in this feminine abstract. I love them all though, whether they’re bright or more muted colours, they all have their own personality and character. Perhaps they mimic the personality of the woman they belong to – but either way they are bright and beautiful, vibrant and full of life and vivacity.
What do you think?
This morning at work, I peeked in on blogs as I usually do, to read a bit and catch up. I saw you posted an new Queunte and of course, had to see it!
It's beautiful! The colors are perfect – vibrant, but not gaudy. I see ocean waves crashing against a pristine tropical beach – serene but with a little danger.
Jackie, I love it! You've made me look the way I feel inside, gorgeous, sexy, vibrant, serene and just a wee bit dangerous. I don't think I've ever looked so fabulous!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Nitebyrd – That's nice, that when you peek into my blog you find it's your fanny on show! 🙂
I am delighted that you think the colours are perfect, they are certainly vibrant and beautiful. I love the fact you can see ocean waves on a tropical bech, and I also like the idea of "serene with a little danger" too!
And if I've made the painting look how you feel inside, then that is the highest accolade I could hope for, thankyou!
I love your use of colors and each stroke (hehehe) sorry…of the brush does wonders…i can look at the painting and see new things each time I've come back.
just now though able to comment.
yay sweetie…fab work.
Yeah… hey that's real colourful, I can see a waterfall there with a rainbow shining through it… should I continue to take the medication? I assumed it was the side effects……Lol.. another brilliant painting
Spiky – Thankyou, that's what I love about these paintings, that you see different things in them each time you look.
Indigo – Thankyou! I love that you can see a rainbow and waterfall in it….
Hi Jackie!
Just stopped by from over at Nitebyrd's place to check out the piece you did of her.
WOW!! I think your work is totally ingenious how you paint the subject using color and images that reflect the person. It's like you capture their energy – their essence.
VERY cool!
And might I add that you have captured Nitebyd BEAUTIFULLY!
Oh WOW that's amazing!
Ron – Thankyou for calling by and your kind comments. Yes, that's what I try to capture of the person – their energy and essence within these bright and vibrant paintings and I'm delighted you like this one of Nitebyrds so much!
Akelamalu – Aw, thankyou!
That really is beautiful! The colors seem to fit her personality so well, and the shapes are not just a portrait but almost a moving picture.
Sexy PTA Mom – Thankyou, I think they suit her personality so well, too!
Interesting. Very interesting.
TAG – Thankyou, I'm glad you think so.
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