As an artist you’d think I spent most of my time painting – and yet…….. I don’t. Yes, I do spend a LOT of it painting or drawing but the majority of my time is actually spent doing things that are part of being an artist – updating my website, writing this blog, looking for new work, making sure people know what I do by either advertising, or telling them, or finding good ways of promoting what I do. Or buying new art materials, finding good places to buy frames, talking to gallery owners and asking for feedback re my paintings, going on art workshops or courses to learn new skills and techniques, talking to other artists, finding perspective buyers and chatting to them, answering their questions and queries, finding good places to exhibit locally, and having to steward them, having a social life that revolves around art and artists. So when a friend who dabbles in painting by copying a picture he’s found in a magazine, said airily and rhetorically to me “Painting’s soooooo relaxing isn’t it?” he was amazed at my denial. NO IT BLOODY ISN’T!!!!! Its bloody hard work!!!! Even my holidays are spent looking at the local landscape and wondering if it would make a good backdrop for a painting – my “holiday photos” are always taken with the thought that I could use them for a painting somewhere. If I’ve got time to sit down and read a book, I feel that it ought to be a art reference book. My spare time should be spent going to more galleries and exhibitions than I probably do……..
And yet, I painted a picture this week, and was happy with it, its exactly what I wanted it to be. But that doesn’t just happen. I have to work at it. I have to THINK about it. And that in itself is tiring. At the end of a painting session I’m mentally whacked. I always say that producing a painting is nine tenths thinking about it, and one tenth painting it!
But I’m not moaning – its the way it is. I don’t HAVE to do any of it. I could sit at home and watch telly all day and do fuck all art. BUT I don’t…….. I CHOOSE to do this!
Its been a hard day………………………I’m tired.
Tired… but content.
Your job, is something you love to do.
How many people can say that?
I wondered how you spent your time whilst not painting. hehehe.
You know I think painting is hard…It’s always learning. It’s always reaching for that painting thaat brings it all together. Something you can say…is from inside of you and to be happpy with it…God, are we truly ever? I mean it’s always practicing your skill and sharpening it…destroying it and rebuilding it every so often.
I did my best work (according to me)late into the night or early morning…after a cup of coffee. I could come to it later and say…I like it.
Afternoons were meant for fucking, eating a light lunch and naps. hehehehe.
Paint something everyday…my teacher would say.
ciao babes…You rock.
ps…I think going to more galleries is wise. Sometimes other painters inspire you. You inspireme…I just have to find the time to sketch them. 😀
Trixie – True enough – on all counts!
Spiky – Yeh, painting IS hard, and the searching and reaching for perfection never stops, but I love it, even so! You’re right about painting something every day – it keeps the mind honed artistically. And visiting other galleries will always inspire you to greater things…..
….. and your afternoons sound like great fun…. 🙂
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