I went along to the monthly Guild of Erotic Artists Event day yesterday and as soon as I walked through the door I was introduced to a new guy to the Guild – a photographer who had come along for the first time to introduce himself and see what the Guild was all about. I enjoyed chatting with him and telling him how much the Guild has helped me with my art since I joined last October. He said that there were some lovely images on the walls of the gallery that had inspired him already! And since I have a couple of pictures there now, I was able to show him so he had an inkling of what I do. He and another photographer of the same first name got chatting about their work and comparing notes. By this time we were watching the first demonstration of the day – as two female topless models were enthusiastically washing a low slung sports car, the soapy suds sloshing as much over them as the car, as they laughingly posed for the cameras and the Guild secretary realised he hadn’t charged up his camera and dashed inside frantically searching for new batteries, fortunately he found some just in time for the end of the photo shoot, and managed to snap a couple of sexy photos. I was amused that one of the visitors of the day turned up as the car washing was in progress and he asked me with a grin why I wasn’t taking part – I laughed and said I don’t do topless car washing – and he cheekily said that was a pity as his car was just parked around the corner! Mmm…. is this something I need to consider as a career change I wonder….
Whilst we were all still standing around outside viewing the erotic car wash, I espied my new found friend of last month and we both impulsively hugged each other in delighted greeting, and I enquired why she hadn’t responded to my email of last month, only to find that she hadn’t received it! Ah, that makes sense for the electronic silence from her (don’t ya just lurve technology when it lets ya down!). So we made up for the lack of communication by having a good chat and she told me about the new photographs she’d produced after talking to me in July and my positive enthusiasm for her big idea had lead on to some gorgeous photographs that she considered her best work yet. I was absolutely delighted that I’d helped her to have the confidence to do it.
Then we all went back inside for the second demo of the day – a body cast of the winner of the boob competition last month. I’ve never seen body casting before, and was enthralled with the procedure – the model had to wipe baby oil on her skin first, and then wipe it off, presumably so that the gel on her skin doesn’t stick. An outline was drawn on the torso so that the body caster knew which part he was casting. Then the water-based gel was sloshed on with great abandon and was starting to set within only a couple of minutes, as the excess was removed. Then, since it was a flimsy layer it had to be given rigidity by applying plaster and fibre netting that set over the top of it and after a final layer of plaster had been applied, and the whole lot allowed to set for 2o minutes or so, as the model sat still, then the whole lot was just gently pulled away from the skin and leaving the cast intact and the model free of her temporary shell. The next part will involve the body caster filling the cast with plaster and working through the different processes to create a perfect and finely detailed cast of the boob, to be presented to the model next month when its dried out completely.
After the cast had been done, the body caster came over to me for a chat and I asked him a few questions regarding the process – and he was more than happy to explain various aspects to me. I had presumed that it was a modern process but he told me about the old death masks, and the Victorian procedure of taking casts of people with hideous growths on their heads, so that they could be used for increasing medical knowledge. As well as the bodies that the body snatchers Burke and Hare stole at dead of night from graveyards, being cut open by the medical profession for teaching, and casts of the interiors of the bodies taken so that they could be used for tuition purposes too. All very gruesome, but a fascinating subject.
Then on to the third demo of the day – what a busy day! – and this one was a make-up demonstration. I had noticed a particular girl wandering around earlier and it hadn’t clicked at all with me who she was, because her face was bare of all make-up and I’m so used to seeing her with full make-up and bright red luscious lips so I hadn’t recognised her! Infact it was the same big breasted girl who’d had her boob body cast earlier. And what a difference make-up makes to a woman! Another enthralling demo as she sat under the spotlight and we all watched as the makeup artist painted her and her face was transformed first with a pale base skin cover, then white power applied to lighten her face even more. Green eyeshadow empathised her already beautiful dark eyes, and black mascara and eyeliner even more so, but they were particularly enhanced by large false diamante encrusted eyelashes and small dabs of silver paint on the cheek bones to add to the effect. Her jet black hair had the curlers removed and was fluffed up on either side of her face. Her pale cheeks had puffs of pink blusher and her mouth had a small bright red cupids bow painted on the lips, finishing off the Gothic vamp effect – and the fact she was totally dressed in black from her knee high black platform boots, black fishnet tights, black netting tu-tu, black corset tightly laced over a black top and frilly black see through blouse, the whole effect was a vast transformation from the unpainted face at the start. She strode off the platform looking feminine and powerful, and the male photographers followed on ready to capture her power and beauty in their cameras.
Whilst all this was going on, another artist was quietly painting away on a woman’s breasts in the corner of a room. When I first started watching, he was painting a pineapple in great detail, but by the end of the day a whole cornucopia of fruit had appeared to cover the whole of her chest and breasts. She stood around quite happily afterwards chatting to people as they admired the walking, talking, artwork. I wonder how long the paint effect will last.
By then, people were starting to leave, but I was able to have a little chat with one of the longstanding photographers there – he’d done a gorgeous photo that I’d much admired – it was just of four pairs of feet – but you knew exactly what was happening with those feet – you knew who was who and what was happening with the people in the photograph by their feet. How expressive was that? I loved it! And that’s the thing about the Guild – that’s what I love about it, we all put our artwork on the walls there, and it inspires the other artists and photographers to create something new from what they’ve seen, and when we see what they’ve done, that in turn inspires us – and so the circle follows on and upwards. In theory then, it struck me that the work should improve all the time, leading us all on to greater things.
And I had a little chat with an attractive model there, who I’ve seen before and I had a feeling she lived quite close to me from what I knew about her, it turns out that she lives 20 minutes or so away, so that’s worth bearing in mind if I need a model.
And as I left my photographer woman friend, and we hugged and kissed each other, she asked me if I’d be interested in partaking in a photo shoot in London’s biggest dungeon. Mmm…. ok, that’s something I’ve never been asked before……!!!!
Sounds like you had an interesting day?! I entered a ‘miss wet t-shirt’ competition once, I’d do a topless car wash for sure, think it’d be fun in cool weather, I’d have the biggest hardest pair of nipples for miles!! Not that I’m bragging of course…Lol!
Indigo – Yeh, I did have a very interesting day.
As for a “miss wet t shirt” competition – that sounds like fun, and it sounds like you’ve got something to *brag* about!! lol
Well I always say…’If ya got it flaunt it’ ;-P…
Indigo – Absolutely!
Hum…topless car wash…sounds like you could make a mint ddoing that sweetie. hehehe. let me know if you need extra help…It would be a perfect summer job. hey lets get indigo in on the fun…hehehe. Plus I could say i saw the biggest hardest pair of nipples for miles around. I would be so popular at work, hehehe.
Sounds like you had a wonderful time sweetie. 🙂
Spiky – Yeh, I did have a wonderful time – I’ll put you down for the car wash then! lol
I’ve seen the death mask of Oliver Cromwell. There you go – I bet you weren’t expecting me to say that!
Now when are you going to tell us all about these dungeons ….?
Racy – No I wasn’t but I’m not surprised to hear it with your love of history and the macabre!
Mmm…. dungeons eh? You’re interested in those are you?! And I know its not the historical ones you’re interested in too!!!! lol
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