Like the other bloggers, I was touched that Cherrie and Hardin could find time to see me during their short stop-over in England, but I have known for some time that they admire my artwork on many levels, and wanted to see my paintings for real rather than just on the internet, and ask various pertinent questions regarding the creative process and see some of the end results. Plus, what a wonderful opportunity for Cherrie to sit for me, so that I could draw her!
They patiently listened whilst I showed them my vanilla artwork, the landscapes and tigers, surreal and fantasy paintings and I was amazed at how easily they understood some of the concepts I had for some of my more surreal paintings, and could relate to the ideas behind them. They liked the different art techniques I utilise and listened to me explaining how I had created my paintings. After that, and since I still had their interest, we moved on to the erotic artwork, and went through my many varied drawings on that subject, Cherrie in particular making comments relating to some of the poses I had done, and what other ideas I could draw in the future. I’m always interested in other peoples ideas, especially when they are so helpful.
After a short break, Cherrie said she was ready to pose for me. And, what a delightful subject she is to paint, too! Since any readers of her blog will know that she loves to pose for the camera and even though I had a basic idea for the image, I didn’t need her to ask how she should arrange herself, she just went naturally into the pose, and all I had to do was sit and draw her! Such an easy model. Obviously, she needs to keep her facial features a secret, so the painting I have done is not a portrait of her as such, but the arched eyebrow and wide smiling mouth are the essence of her, and sufficient to depict her. I knew I wanted to paint such a voluptuous woman in something equally voluptuous, so asked if she’d be happy wearing a fur coat, with a pair of fishnet stockings and black suspenders on underneath, as any other clothes were deemed unnecessary. The fur coat opened beautifully to show her many feminine assets as she lay back in the pose. She was happy with the idea (and before anyone complains, the coat is old, and not real fur, so no fluffy animals were hurt in the making of this blog). I decided to paint her in watercolour as it gave me instant colour which is what I felt I needed for this picture. So after drawing out the outline, I opted for a lovely gold and scarlet background which seemed apt for the subject matter. Th
e use of splatter in the paint adds movement to the figure, and the lovely golden browns of the fur beautifully framed the paler feminine skin beneath it. The fishnet stockings were always going to be difficult to paint, and if I had drawn in each line the picture would have looked heavy and overworked, so I quickly and lightly drew in the black lines with a fine nibbed pen, making sure I left the viewers eye to fill in where the lines don’t quite cross over, making the painting far more interesting for it. The burnt sienna I used for her hair also mirrored the colours of the coat and the slash of bright red lipstick at the mouth makes the viewer instantly aware of the woman being confident and alluring and offering an invitation to the viewer. I couldn’t help but laugh at the title I have for this painting, as it was so very, deliciously apt!! Its called “Fur coat and no knickers” which is obviously a very English phrase as I had to explain it to the blank look of the American visitors! – it basically refers to a woman with airs and graces, but no real class. Its certainly a sexy picture, and I am delighted with it, but then I had a good model!
We talked also of the Pussy portraits set of paintings that I’m planning on doing, and still in the first stages of working on. Cherrie and Hardin were most interested in the idea. They viewed the first one that I am still currently working on, and still mentally working through the concept of, admiring the strong layout of design and the bright colours I have chosen for this particular painting, so far. They hope that I could get the exhibition to show in the US as well as in England – a wonderful idea, when I’ve got my collection of them all together.
So, all in all, a very artistically productive visit, and I hope they enjoyed their visit to England to get a glimpse of the English way of life.
Fantastic job as usual Jackie!
Vi – Aw, thanks mate!
This is brilliant, Jackie! I like the color choices for the hair and coat – and those bright colors in the background really help to generate an aire of excitement. Very well done!
Sage – Thankyou, I’m pleased with the effect too!
‘Wicked’ painting Jackie… I just lurve the fish nets… Awesome! Clever too..!!
Indigo – Thankyou! The fishnets were difficult to get right, but I’m pleased with the end result.
Another lovely picture Jackie. I have always liked the honesty in your pictures.
Hornymaleuk – Thankyou, but I’m not sure I understand what you mean about how I incorporate honesty in my pictures………?
fantastic picture Jackie
Lady in red – Thankyou!
I have sat here looking at the picture for what seems eternity, the background is coloured right, the fishnets excellent giving that sharpness that you get from fishnet stockings, but I kept looking because something didn’t seem quite right, the fur coat was not obvious without the title, but made a good impression to the softening of the background. The breasts displayed just right – (didn’t look like implants as so many artists end up making them look) – the face – that was where I’m afraid things weren’t quite balanced (sorry!) – and it’s only my opinion – the lips and smile great- good expression – the 1 eyebrow good – but my feeling is that it really needed another balancing eyebrow. – I’d be interested to know why you went for the 1 rather than 2 – minor point – but without discussion I feel i’m missing something.
Willsibob – In that case I need to explain the behind-the-scenes story!
I had done a previous drawing of Cherrie, in exactly the same position, using a different colour for the background and had put her full face in the painting. But the image didn’t work, it looked totally overworked and didn’t do her justice. So I redid the painting you see here, and was going to put her mouth and both eyebrows in, and maybe one eye, but then I thought I’d have to put her nose in too, and I would then have been back to painting her whole face. So, to simplify it, I thought I’d start with her red smiling mouth and see what I needed to add bit by bit to make it the “essence” of her – and didn’t get past the first arched eyebrow! That eyebrow, for me, made the facial expression an invitation and said it all. If I had painted both eyebrows, she would looked “surprised” rather than quizzically inviting the viewer to join her.
And as far as you apologising for your opinion, as you know, I am always interested to hear your critique on my artwork,and always find your words to be constructive.
You ask what I mean when I say you incorporate honesty.
I enjoy all of your work, especially your erotic art. You do make the effort to show your models (including me) at their best. By “honesty” I mean that you include a fold of skin, or a bulge on the stomach, that we all know is there in reality but we might wish wasn’t so visible. You include those features and I find your pictures all the more intersting because of that honesty.
Does that make sense?
Hornymaleuk – Thankyou for your explanation – yes, that makes sense. I paint what I see – and even though we all have parts of our bodes we’re not happy with, they are part of the sum total of what makes us what we are. Having said that, if a model was particularly unhappy about certain parts of their body, I can adjust accordingly for the painting. In this case, Cherrie is very happy within her own skin and confident of her natural allure. She has seen his picture of her, and loves it!
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