I went to see Bryan Adams in concert last night, for the first time, and thoroughly enjoyed the show. He was totally….. awesome!!! Not only was it the sort of loud raunchy rock that I love, which instantly gets people on to their feet to dance and sing along, but it was strong clear music and simple but effective lyrics. I also loved the total rapport he had with the audience. He was happy to walk among them shaking hands, and making contact, to mix with them and interact, totally in-tune with them, to invite members of the audience on stage to perform with him, for the whole audience to sing his words back to him, to encourage and enhance and include as part of his entertainment. And it got me thinking…….. that I want to paint how he sounds…… that instant heart racing, blood pumping reaction to the raunchy feel to his work, that feeling that emotionally moves people, that strong effective interaction with the viewer, the outpourings of gutsy, gritty work involving soft quiet passages as a beautiful poignant contrast to the powerful, brightly colourful vibrant parts, that connection in a sexually basic way but also empathy with peoples more caring, loving experiences and how they feel enhanced after viewing the creativity, leaving them wanting more.
On recently having a very interesting, and sexy, conversation with a male frien
d about the erotic delights and merits of stockings I decided to explore the contrast between male and female clothing this week. So I dressed my model in a plain white mans shirt, undone to the waist, and just a pair of black stockings and suspenders underneath, leaving the shirt to partly hide her breasts, but leaving the shirt tail to curl around and point to her exposed crotch. One hand in a slightly mannish pose, resting on her knee, and the black stockings a delightful contrast to her pale skin. I created the drawing with a black watercolour-wash pen, adding the softer tones and background by washing water over the ink and used a white crayon for the shirt. I like using just three tones of white, black and pale ochre, the latter utilised just by leaving the paper as the mid tone.
Sexy sexy!! I like it!!
I really like that picture. Mine does not really compete!
Lucy – I’m not sure if you’re referring to Bryan Adams being sexy, or my drawing!!
Hornymaleuk – I’m glad you like the picture, yours is not supposed to compete – as I had to be purposefully vague about your features. However if you want to dress in stockings and suspenders and one of your shirts I’m sure I can draw something that will compete!!!!
Jackie – You know I was teasing you. I am very pleased with my pictures and I have received some very favourable feedback. I don’t think I will dress in the way you suggest. There is something rather ridiculous about a half dressed man with his genitals hanging out. I would rather be totally naked for you!
I’d like to meet the woman who poses for you, she looks totally relaxed in that raunchy pose and quite at home showing off her bare naked flesh, which i’d love to touch and get to know, do you have her address?
anonymous – yes I do.
Hello , i’m the man who left a comment on your blog about wanting to touch the model’s skin, i’m 73 and lonely and yes would love to know where she lives. Do you think she would take her clothes of for me and let me **** her?
Hi i’m disgusted at the thought of this dirty old man wanting to get his sexual kicks from this obviously talented female model, how could this filth ever be allowed, isn’t there names for such people like him?
I’m a struggling male life model in Scotland, i always find it difficult to make enough money when posing for art, what’s the goig rate in England, how much do you pay your model, who by the way looks gr8 in that sexy stocking pose!!
anonymous lonely 73 – if you like the picture that much I’ll sell it to you!
anonymous disgusted – its gratifying that he’s had such a reaction to my erotic art. It means I’m doing my job properly if someone gets turned on by it. However the model is unavailable in person, so he will have to look elsewhere, or just make do with the image of her.
anonymous Scottish male model – glad you like the pose! Have you tried art schools and colleges, or art organisations in your area to see if they can use you? I know of English life drawing models who struggle as well. Also – try photographic groups – they sometimes want life models.
Have tried certain colleges but they don’t always have easy access for wheel chairs, i’m disabled, maybe if i was able bodied i’d have more of a chance!Discrimination eh?
How inviting is this painting? I feel i want to help her to her feet and kiss her lips!!! Both sets .. god i feel moist
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