Now I’ve finished the peacock commission I have not one, but two more commissions to do.
The first one features a type of setting I’ve painted before, and something I’ve painted before, but not so personalised as this one, and something I have never painted before, and I have to make it look romantic and sensual..and tasteful…but hint at more within the painting…and a time of day that wouldn’t be the obvious one..its going to be a lot of fun creating it…..

The second one is a sort of landscape, but not traditional, and more specific in whats in it, and I have to make them all fit within it and be obvious as to what they are..using basically one tone…so thats going to be a challenge too…but again, fun to create.
I am so happy to be painting again, commissions for clients. I love being an artist, and creating art that makes other people happy…
And I adore having challenging artwork to do, that makes me think deeply about the art, and the creation of it…
And I’m loving the fact that they’re all in acrylics, as its such fun paint to work with!