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I’m always happier to see the setting in real life

Since I’m almost healed now its 8 weeks after the operation and although I still have a small hole in the wound which of course I have to keep covered with a dressing, and a district nurse is coming daily to pack it and do that, I do have most of my physical energy back, even though I can’t lift anything heavy until I’m fully healed. I’ve been slowly building up my physical strength over the last couple of weeks, from short ten minute walks in the garden to longer walks in the garden, and bits of gentle gardening. I can’t lift anything heavy still, and don’t want to, as I want to get better as fast as I can. I understand the limitations and accept them.

I feel fine in myself, which is very reassuringly good, and means now I’m able to concentrate on the murals I was commissioned to do in January by the owners for Eureka Sun Club in Kent. The club is currently closed and has been since last October and the owners are hoping to be open again towards the end of June, depending on how things progress with the lockdown rules. Which gives the owners chance to make the changes to the club that will give it a fresh and more appealing look. Part of that look is the two murals they have asked me to do. I listened to their ideas and came up with some suggestions of my own, and did some working drawings before my operation, and sent them online for them to view and give me the feedback. They made some more suggestions and I knew I couldn’t do them until I was well enough. Well now I am.

The timing of my being well enough to think about the artwork has coincided with some of the main revamp being completed at the club so I was able to go and look yesterday (with my husband kindly driving me there), to meet the owners on the site, show them the artwork I’d done, measure the walls I shall be painting, work out how they will look in-situ and ask any questions I could think of, and answer any asked of me. It was a good productive meeting. I know what I’m doing, the owners have an idea of how it will look, and it was all positive and everyone happy, which is the main thing as a professional artist, especially when you’re being trusted to paint someone else’s walls that will promote their business, and all their customers will see……

So, now I can get on with the working drawings now I know the proportions… these are in feet, rather than inches for this artwork.. the biggest size I’ve ever done for one of them….

And when the clients have ok’d the working drawings, and the colours in them, then I can get around to do the murals themselves… exciting!!