Over the weekend I saw the woman I did the “Warrior girl with her wolf” tattoo design image for last October and she told me she wanted to commission me again, but this time to create THE artwork. I wasn’t surprised to hear this as she had mentioned a few weeks ago that she actually wanted a proper painting doing of the Warrior girl and her wolf, but in a landscape…..
I was intrigued what that setting would be, as I had considered at the back of my mind that it might be coming out of the sea, and she told me that she had thought it might be on top of a cliff. It was clear to me as we pondered over the options together that it would be a natural setting, possibly with mountains behind, but when I mentioned “Woodland?” her eyes lit up…”Yes!!” “Ok, what sort of woodland though???” I asked..”Coniferous? or Deciduous?” she knew within a split second that she wanted Coniferous…so I made a note whilst I wrote it down with the details….. acrylics, vertical, on block canvas, gold outfit, gold boots, gold crown, silver sword, rust coloured jewellery, cream scroll, all to go with the red hair, wings the colour of magpie wings, and wolf the colour of her beloved dog (black, warm golds) that actually, that choice, which hadn’t been my choice, it had been hers, was PERFECT…as the spiky conifers would be exactly the same shape and colours of some of the outer feathers on her wings, it would look so harmonious with that background!!!! And it was by far the better setting for the wolf, looking like it was in its own natural setting! Yes! Forest! And all harmonious. I love it when it clicks into place like that, and when she gives me commissions to do, they work beautifully as ideas! Can’t wait to get started on this one!!