It’s so nice to get back into writing again for my blog. I missed doing it when I was in the process of buying this house now in Kent, not that all the jobs are done on the house and garden by a long way, but they are on the manageable level…rather than the urgent level they were last summer right up to mid December.
I’ve just had a short walk from my house, this afternoon, its the walk I do most often, and even though it was bitterly cold, it was sunny, and even though its the outskirts of the village and there are houses on the road, there are also enough trees to keep me interested. I don’t know what it is about sunlight on trees but I adore it. There was an old gnarled tree that was so beautifully lit by the mid afternoon sunshine that I stopped dead in my tracks to admire it. and wanted to have pencil and paper to hand to capture the fabulous sculptural effect the sunshine was creating. And five minutes before that I had seen a cluster of pine trees with the sunshine shining brightly behind them that is always appealing, the way pine trees remind me of French holidays. And as I walked back the last part of the walk there is a middle aged acer that reminds me that I want to replace the beautiful one I used to have when I lived in Leicestershire that had such gorgeous hand shaped leaves and turned bright orange for about four days in October every year before the high winds removed them in a flurry of autumnal storms. I will enjoy creating a more appealing garden for this spring and summer. Its something I’ve been wanting to do for some months now. Its basically just lawn and hedges, and a couple of trees, and a few shrubs, Just the bare bones of a garden, but a lovely backdrop to build on and into…I know what I like in a garden, and have some ideas already I want to start on!
Last September I planted out a whole load of bulbs and flowers, primroses, tulips, shrubs, climbing roses, and clematis, by the side of the shed in a new border I dug especially. They were nearly all shades of pinks, from deep carmine pinks, to baby pinks, electric pinks, and softer more muted ones. I knew that picking just one colour like pink meant that nothing was going to clash with anything else, regardless of what was flowering during the year. The primroses are in flower at the moment, such a pretty colour and lovely to herald the start of spring. I can paint with flowers in the garden as much as paint on canvas or paper!