Since I went to see the lovely primary school pupils in Hartlip in Kent, in May 2018, and had such an uplifting and happy day with them talking to them about my painting “The way through the woods” answering questions, signing autographs and loving their excitement about their joint creative efforts, I was delighted when their teacher told me later on in the year that their painting that was inspired by my painting had been entered into a national competition and she would let me know the outcome of it.
She did let me know, at the end of the year and it was very good news, but it wasn’t officially out in the open so I didn’t say anything about it…….
But now its official so its my pleasure to share with you what it is…. They are winners in the “Spirited Arts Contest” – an annual competition and out of more than 2,000 pupils they have been recognised.
I am so delighted to hear that and I’m proud as well to have inspired them to do their painting.