On New Years Eve, whilst quietly sitting with a cup of tea and mince pie and in the lull before I got ready for a noisy and lively New Years Eve party, I had a thought, one of those silvery ones that is at the back of creative peoples minds all the time, and I brought it forward to add it to another one, that quickly attached itself to another.. feeling the rising creative excitement of a good idea, I thought I’d write it in my artist note book, and as my pencil skimmed over the surface of the paper, writing the ideas down, I found those silvery ideas had nicely joined together to form a thread of a very interesting idea. One that I first thought of at some point last year, I can’t remember the exact time, but I knew it was a good one that I would paint at some time.. and as my pencil wrote out the ideas, more ideas came to me, as to how I would create the set of fascinating paintings.. I know the concept, and the collection of paintings I will do, and how I will hide images within them, since that is what I love to do the most, but what I haven’t decided on yet, is the titles, either of the paintings, nor of the collective title that they will fall under.. I am mulling ideas together for the collective title, but want to think of all the possible options before I settle on the best one…
But the subject matter will incorporate three of my favourite subjects, into one painting… an exciting one, for me as the artist, which will I know, excite others I know…..
When the time is right, I will sit down and start to draw out ideas, and that is when the images will come to life…but until then, the ideas are building in my head, ready…