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Happy Christmas celebrating love, light, and friendship

At this time of year I always think of my friends and family spread far and wide and love to receive their cards hearing news and their good wishes for a Happy Christmas. I love that communication of connection. Its always a delight to know that someone is thinking of you and wondering how you are. Of course nowadays emails and Facebook are the way a lot of people catch up with each other, but I’ve always loved a card in the post too.

I’ve completed everything I’ve needed to, and most importantly the mystery painting for the Christmas deadline and am waiting with baited breath to hear the response from both the client who commissioned it and the person receiving it from them…




And in these couple of days before the big Christmas celebration, however you do it, and whoever you do it with, I’d like to wish you happiness, good health, and love and laughter around the people you love to be with. That’s all any of us want for Christmas I think.. as we fill our homes with lights and hope.