I’m getting on well with the black and white seascape painting this week. Due to having a cold last week I just did the background basic tones knowing that I would put more details to it this week when I felt better and my head was clear again. Colds are always annoying for wasting time!
I knew when I started painting that the tones would all have to be as perfect as I could make them, since there was no colour to mislead the eye. I love the fact this painting is monochrome, although at the end of last week when I left it for the weekend I wasn’t quite sure how I was going to make the equal three way split between sky, sea and beach look interesting to the eye.
But I just started work on it, using a photo I’d taken in Turkey on the beach at Side in 1989, as my source photo. It had just sky and gently rolling waves in the sea which were exactly the look I wanted in my painting.
I just started work in the sky, adding to the clouds, making them whispy into the distance but against a deep clear sky.
Then I started putting flecks of light into the sea and building up the tones in the rolling wave, and then the fun part of the froth of foam from the wave that is breaking and rolling towards the sand, and the other ones infront of it that have lost their force but still have froth on the surface as they gently roll forward… to nothing………………
I’ve put in many hours this week for this painting, and by the end of yesterday, stood back from it, and smiled in wonder. I had got exactly the effect I wanted , it had even impressed me with the way it was looking!! Wow! Sea!!!
I’ll show you the parts of the painting that are not including the couple in question, since this is still a working painting and I haven’t finished working on them, although you can see part of a foot in the bottom of one of the photos!
But one of the aspects of this that I am delighted about, is that if you look closely at the photo and the painting as a comparison, is that there is more in the painting than the photo shows!