Its taken just over a month, from start to finish, from their conception, planning, painting, and sorting out the corresponding paperwork regarding selling the copyright for them.
But today it’s all complete and I now can now show them to you…
When I met by chance the client about a month ago, on my birthday, she was someone who I had known ten years or so ago but who had left the area, but astonishingly enough had been looking at my website and the Fantasy Fannies only three days before we met by accident, and was considering having some done by me as logos for her two new businesses aimed specifically at women. We both felt that meeting in the way that we did was momentously serendipitous ! Since what she was advocating as ideas for her business plans was a lot of the things I really relate to and consider important for women we discovered as we chatted in depth about her ideas.
That first meeting to explain what she was looking for in the logo took an hour.
The following meeting, the next day, took over three hours, and as I usually do I made copious notes as we discussed her ideas and I added mine to them where needed. She knew she wanted Fantasy Fannies logos but on striped backgrounds, and one of the Fannies should be just textures of gold. I knew that the gold needed another colour in the stripes to make the gold stand out more, or else it would be lost in the same colouring. We considered white, and cream, and black, and red, and dark blue, and bright blues as choices, but I said that eau de nil would look classy and elegant next to the gold and she agreed with my suggestion. It would look less harsh than turquoise, and would be more harmonious to the gold since it has hints of cream in it, a nice contrast, but in keeping with the colours, of textures of golds.
The other painting she wanted as the same image, but bright colours splashing out from the painting, and this background would be a distressed wood effect in pale purple-grey with ivory as the corresponding stripe. I knew I would paint the wood effect with hints of purple in the ivory, and hints of ivory in the purple to keep them harmonious together.
Both fannies would be pulsating with colour and orgasm. Which was an interesting concept to paint, and the client knew that I had done similar artwork before with my erotic art hinting at the heat of orgasm. We decided at the meeting that the best way of doing it would be for the force of the orgasm to radiate out from the fannies, but still keeping the important stripes as the backgrounds. And both fannies wouldn’t be obvious at first look, making you want to look closer at them conserving the slightly abstract version of them.
The first thing I did was to draw out the fannies on corresponding boards, both 20 x 16 inches. They were identical at that point, and I wanted the stripes to be the best distance apart to make the fannies stand out the best they could.
I then painted the background stripes for each of them, gold gouache in layers and eau de nil in acrylics for the gold one, and purple-grey and ivory acrylics for the coloured one. Then I put the gold painting to one side as I just worked on the coloured one. Painting out the undercolours of the fanny in acrylic paint, then building up colours, and keeping to the basic purple shades of about half of the picture since that was the main colour to consider. When the under colours where done, I then had fun splashing out the colours from the fanny, using both a brush and palette knife to get the effects I wanted bringing out the colours and continuing them out from the fanny itself. When I was happy with it, I then completed the gold one.
Even the gold fanny was “just” golds, I knew I would have to put some hints of other colours to give the textured effect to them. So I put hints of black acrylic paint in gold acrylic paint to make black gold, burnt sienna, raw sienna, and red to make slightly more red golds, and hints of white and cadmium yellow to make the sparkle and bling of the glitter, gold leaf effect, and diamante parts. I built up the tones and textures in acrylic paint and when I was happy with that I then used gold acrylic paint to make the splatter, and gold enamel to add more texture of the orgasm from the fanny, again using a palette knife to create that effect.
When I was happy that I had created the fannies to the best of my abilities and that they worked in harmony with each other I contacted the client, who was equally delighted with them.
The delay in showing them to you has been because she wanted to buy the copyright for them from me, and we had to sort out the corresponding paperwork for them. And here they are separately and together, so you can see them and how they work so beautifully together.
So, what do you think……………………………. ?