Its that time of year again when I have an important painting to finish but think that with the best will in the world, its not going to get done before Christmas. Its not a commission so there is no time restriction on it, but I don’t want to rush it and ruin it, but I do want to get it done, and done as soon as I can. At least its in acrylics so it dries very quickly and unlike watercolours I can paint in artificial light, which is fortunate with these depressingly short days. Yesterday the day was so grey and depressing, that even at 10am the outside light came on as I passed the sensor. How can you get inspired to paint on days like that! At least today is sunny and bright even if it is cold.
The painting will get done, and I can’t wait to finish it. I’ll work on it as and when I can. But December is the month of buying Christmas presents, writing Christmas cards, wrapping presents, dressing the house, making Christmas cake (my favourite cake in the world, its a white Christmas cake full of fruits and flavours but not heavy like the traditional Christmas cake is), making mince pies, and buying food for Christmas celebrations. No wonder little else gets done!
But in the meantime, the stuff I watch on TV is hintfully inspiring me to finish the painting soon. I watched three programmes this last week, two that featured my subject matter, the other a reminder of how right the subject matter is. All of the programmes were about rich people and their life style, and yet I know the subject matter will appeal to everyone. I’m pleased with it for that reason.
At least if I do have half an hour, or an hour, or two, spare, I can paint. And watch the painting come to life, and the colours work together…melding (I love that word!) and working their magic, to create the work of art.