I had a phone call this week from a guy who had contacted me earlier on this year, wanting me to consider him for a male model when I do life drawing. I politely informed him at the time that I’d add him to the list. I think by April I’d had five different guys making exactly the same offer from various places around the country…..
But when he rang me for a chat this week, it was following on from a brief email he’d sent the day before. One that had made me smile.
Because what he had suggested was something that I totally related to.
He’d said that he was a guy who did life modelling, and his girlfriend felt that the drawings that had been done of him during the life drawing sessions, were, well, a bit too tame. And she wanted a drawing of him in a more erotic pose. Which is why he’d rung me!
I smiled when I heard that, as he, without knowing it, was talking about the same reason I’d got into erotic art in the first place. I’d felt that the life drawings I did 12 years ago when I went to life drawing sessions were a little boring, and wanted to make them look more interesting.
As we chatted, he mentioned the name of a woman artist I know of, who he works with. And we talked about poses, and the more erotic pose he probably wants, although he’ll chat to his girlfriend to make sure they find a pose they both like, she to look at, and him to hold.
And then I can do the drawing for him.
I found him very easy to chat to, but then, we have this wonderful subject in common, and the shared experience of life drawings as artist and model.
Here’s one of my latter drawings, of another guy, as an illustration of one of my white on black erotic drawings, its called “Opening gambit” and although its a life drawing pose, its hinting at what’s on offer, by the enigmatic look on the man’s face, and the way the shadow of his right hand is pointing down towards.