Email’s alright for making arrangements and talking about doing artwork for people, but its not as good as a face to face meeting, and that was something that I definitely needed to do with a new client at the weekend. Fortunately she felt exactlythe same way, so we sat down together for our business chat, both of us with pages of notes and pens to hand to make some more. But I didn’t get a chance to write anything, because I didn’t need to. I knew what I was doing, and am ready to start when the client gives the go ahead. But she can’t at the moment, because she has other things she has to slot into place first. Then it will be my turn. But what I was able to help her with, was more mundane things, although of great use to her. With my past experiences I could explain about how she should think about and plan various things. And we parted with smiles, and hugs, both knowing our parts in this artwork she wants me to create for her, when the time is right. I’m excited about it, and raring to get involved.
It was one of those weekends when all the arty stuff came to a head, and I felt I was on a real roll. An arty roll! With a couple of requests for commisisons that will be enjoyable to do, particularly the one of the erotically posed woman on the back of a motorbike. But I’m having to wait for photos to come in for both of those before I can get going, and apparently the bike isn’t ready yet but is being worked on as we speak, I am assured.
But before any of those can get started, I first need to finish the secret wedding picture, and emailed the bride and groom with a photo of the completed picture at the start of the weekend. Although because its in oils, and its still wet, its been a nightmare to photograph because the digital camera picks up all the little bits of light and reflects them back, so the flecks of white, and glow of greys, are not within the picture although the camera says they are. I had to explain all of that to them in my email and fortuantely the clients want to come and view it face to face which is a great relief to me, since they will see for themselves that the painting is far more subtle than it appears in the many failed photos I’ve taken of it from all the angles I could think of. But the best piece of feedback for me was reading
“We love it, you’re very talented and I’m very envious!”
However, they are not one hundred percent happy with one aspect of it yet, which they want to come and look at. The rest is fine as far as they are concerned. And I’m not sure if the part they’re not happy with is as it appears, or if the photo is giving misleading information. Seeing it face to face will tell us all though and I can make any adustments so that they are fully happy with it. And when I’ve done that, it will be ready for framing, after its fully dried and been varnished. So there is still a bit more work to do with it. But at least that’ll be easier to do!