Its been a difficult weekend, mostly due to feeling a sense of ineffectualness to help someone who is going through a tough time. There is nothing I can do except offer moral support to ease the burden. But that brings with it a pent up energy that I don’t know what to do with, and painting won’t help. So I went for a walk, on my own, over the hills and far away, heading off knowing that it would be a while before I returned. I didn’t need to get in the car, what I wanted was close enough for me to find on foot.
The walk was purposely taken where I knew people wouldn’t be. I wasn’t in the mood for company. Although I did chance upon a few other lone walkers mostly accomapnied by dogs. Perhaps they wondered why I hadn’t got one with me, but all smiled and said cheery hellos as I passed them.
I walked through ancient wooded areas that always bring peace to me, and across open pastures to the site of a new lake. Its not often that you see the birth of a lake, and admittedly I didn’t see the land before it was a lake, its certainly one in its infancy and has a charm of its own because of that. It suited me that the weather was bleak and overcast with the threat of rain in the air, rain that started to fall as I headed home.
Two and a quarter hours later I got back, feeling weary but also a lot happier in myself. The problem is still there, it isn’t in my power to change it, but at least I can offer more positive moral support now as the physical exercise has helped me clear my head, and put me in a far more positive frame of mind!