Cor, where has this week gone? In a blur of work and getting ready for exhibitions this week. The first one was a smaller one, since I had three paintings to hang at Fishers Solicitors in Ashby de la Zouch, meeting the veritable practice manager there and chatting about art whilst knocking holes in her walls, not that she minded in the slightest thank goodness, infact I was positively encouraged to do it.
The second exhibition set up was far more complicated since I was doing it on my own as a solo exhibition in the pretty church of St Michaels and all Angels in the village of Ravenstone, and if you’re wondering if its connected to the art exhibition I did there in June, you’d be right. Have a gold star! 🙂 It’s connected because one of the women who visited my solo exhibition in June is very involved in the church and thought that since they were having an open day this Saturday, it would be nice to incorporate it with some artwork, hence their invitation to me to provide that artwork for them. I packed up loads of paintings to take with me not knowing how many I would be able to hang, and it turned out, it was most of them! I’ve got prints there as well, of the village, as well as paintings of the village and the church as well, so hopefully some people will be enthused enough with them to purchase, particularly if the sun shines since that always helps! And of course its a good thing I don’t just do erotic art, I do landscapes, and pets, and tigers as well, otherwise I might be struggling to find suitable subjects. And fortuately my business cards were deemed acceptable as well, since it seemed they would be a problem the other week when I had a business meeting there!
Other than that, I’m working on an oil painting of a Samurai warrior which I am enjoying doing since its so different from what I normally do. Always like to do something different, and a different sort of figure painting after finishing off the erotic painting for the Essex couple a few weeks ago, its dried out now and ready to go and be hung where it belongs.