I’ve been talking to a couple of experts this week, in subjects very far from my normal one, and yet connected to it as well, one being a very helpful and informative guy  from America, and one a very accomplished business woman from England, regarding the best way to raise my social networking profile so that more of the world knows about my art, and buys it from me. I want to be one of those artists who make their money whilst they’re still alive, not long after they’re dead!
I’m still considering the best way forward with those aspects, but one thing I do know, I am a better artist than a lot of other artists. I have the talent and ability, and I’m unusual in that I paint many subjects, and a diverse selection of ways of depicting them – if you want an abstract Jack Russell in shades of cream, scarlet and blues, a surreal view of your dining table settings, a monochrome view over New York, an oil painting of your grandfather in his favourite chair, a traditional watercolour painting of Venice, a drawing of your girlfriend in the nude, a fantasy acrylic painting of the contents of your handbag, an erotic landscape set in Provence, of just a simple black and white ink drawing of your house, then I’m the one to ask! I can do all of that, or any permutation within – a monochrome of your grandfather with his favourite Jack Russell whilst visiting New York for instance ! 🙂 (At least I didn’t say a nude of your grandfather with his handbag in Provence, you’ll be relieved to know!! – although, saying that, if that’s what you want, I can do that too!!).
And its not too late to have any of the above painted for loved ones for Christmas. How special would that be? To design your own unique painting or drawing as a gift – to see their faces on Christmas Day, when they open it, and know what trouble you went to, to get it painted for them, to know that for ever more when they look at that particular painting, they will feel a lasting happiness for the subject within it, and love and deep affection for the one who got it for them. Special indeed.
But, time is running out. I can get it done, if you ask me this week.
Leave it til December and I will be struggling.
So, what’s it to be? The New York option, or the Provence one?
And what colour handbag?