Sometimes when it’s time to write a blog post, there’s an easy subject to write about – the latest painting I’m working on, the latest strange conversation that’s made me laugh, the latest visit to something that relates to art or erotica. But that’s giving the impression that I only do the odd thing every few days that relates to art.
And that’s not the case at all…. oh NO!
Everything  I   do   relates  to   art. It is in me, all the time. Even when I’m doing other things, shopping in Tesco, chatting to my sister on the phone, watching a film with my fella, eating a meal, reading a novel, its there in the background…. my core…
Hearing other people mention their favourite artist, or painting, and wanting to find out more about them.
Travelling home tonight, just before twilight, when the cars are at that point of some having headlights on fully, some have sidelights, and some none at all, I drove down a long stretch of road, from the top of a hill, and looked up to the far horizon and was immediately struck by the cloud formations, the golden yellows of the fluffy parts of the late-sun washed whites of the clouds, and the bruised dark blueygreyeyblueypurples of the storm clouds after the rains. The deep rich emperor purples of the other clouds, the turquoise pale blue of the sky behind, and all fading down to the far hills of the distant horizon, a faint off beat lavender colour amongst the faded blues. And all of that was captured in a minute of viewing it, whilst driving. And it filled my heart with joy to see it, as I smiled to myself, and knew I wanted to get a paintbrush to capture it on canvas – mixing the oils there and then, to paint all I could see before me. The picture, focal point, and subject matter was all there. Nothing else needed to be added at all.
Listening to music, some just background, in the day, but what I choose to listen to is the stuff that makes me want to dance, feel alive, feel the force within me – Rihanna, Lady Gaga, David Guetta, Darude, The Black Eyed Peas . The music makes me smile, makes me want to paint, helps make me paint! Happily keeps me up til gone midnight, working on a painting!
Standing in the garden, with a cup of tea in hand, noting the way the sunlight backlights through the pale leaves and plants as they clamber over the fence and thinking that would be perfect to capture for a painting.Â
Looking at the fascinating abstract shapes, made by soap bubbles in the sink/oil on tarmac/chopped peppers for a stirfry/the cats dinner!
Watching anyone who goes anywhere near my “drawing pencils” wanting to “borrow one” for DIY jobs – Er No you can’t!
Having friends around for drinks, and loving their positive and upbeat reactions to my artwork hanging on the walls.
And the lure of walking past my studio. Knowing what lies within, a painting, half finished, calling to me……. to complete it…….