Update regarding the last two days.. on Sunday afternoon my neighbours dog jumped into my garden and chased my cat across our garden and got the cat in it’s mouth..all very sudden and lots of shouting by me and my neighbour very quickly chased after the dog and asked what happened.. he was very concerned about what state the cat was in so we went to find her spitting and upset in the shed (where she lives because we inherited her from the previous house owners) because she had blood on her nose I tried to grab her to check there were no other injuries and she bit me on the right wrist and scratched my arm (she was obviously still fraught and afraid). My neighbour stayed with me whilst my husband helped me to bathe my wounds and put Dettol on them, before our neighbour went to deal with his dog and block up the gap the dog had jumped through. I had a quiet night as I was obviously in shock. On Monday morning I tried to ring my GP to get it looked at and was told I’d have to go to a walk in hospital clinic to have it looked at…. My husband and I decided on Gravesend and spent almost 4 hours til I was seen by a doctor.. he gave me antibiotics and a tetanus shot and I have to return later in the week….as well as that I had an appointment later on at another hospital for an ultrasound for another unconnected medical problem ..and the radiologist praised me when he had to stick a needle in me.. far less painful than being bitten by the cat I told him… And the cat is fine, it’s me who isn’t…