That was certainly a first when the BBC rang me this morning wanting permission to use one of my images on ‘Have I got new for you’…..
It was only a few minutes before that Stuart Haywood had rung me to inform me that a photo I had taken a few years ago (of him) was to be used on BBC’s ‘Have I got news for you’ and they wanted to know who owned the copyright, and he said "You do, don’t you, not me" and I agreed he was correct, it was me who owned the copyright. He said that he would give the woman who had contacted him my phone number, and I agreed….
Five minutes later the phone rang, and it was the woman who was ringing me on behalf of the television company who make ‘Have I got news for you’ for the BBC asking me if I owned the copyright of the photo of Stuart Haywood that they want to use. She asked me if I was happy them using it? Yes I was I said. I asked if I would receive a payment for it? Yes, if they use it, she said, and told me the amount. Then asked for my email address for her to send me the online form to sign to give my permission.
The form arrived by email within the hour, and an accompanying email from her, I read it and signed it, and dated it and sent it back.
Then I rang Stuart to find out exactly HOW my photo of him had come to be chosen for ‘Have I got news for you’? He wasn’t exactly sure, only that he had written an article recently in Staffordshire Life about the Kings Coronation, and whilst the king was in his Crown jewels, Stuart would be watching the Corornation at home on the TV, naked, exhibiting his family jewels… I laughed when he said that, its typical of him to write a cheeky article….
Oh, and I forgot to mention….
Stuart is naked in the photo…….