I’m always happy to get a commission to do for a client for Christmas.
The conversation via email started yesterday, when someone asked me if it was possible to do a pen and ink drawing of a house in Shropshire for someone elses Christmas present. I replied it was possible, and fortunately I was given a good selection of photos to work from, and also another pen and ink drawing done some years ago of another house, was it possible to do it in that style? Yes it is, I can do that. What size do you want it, and we agreed on A3 size on paper, yes I can do that. What’s the budget? I worked out how many hours it will take and that fitted into what the budget was, so we were in accord with that. Nice one! I got the go ahead today and have started putting a working drawing together for the client, to make sure we’re on the same wavelength, there’s no point in me spending hours on the drawing if the client has other ideas of how it should look.
Just the sort of commission I like!
I shall enjoy drawing this one in time for the client to give it for Christmas.